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Our Vision


“Big firm quality, small town service”



My vision when I started this law firm was to help my clients integrate law into their businesses not only in a way that helped them but in a way they could understand.


Legal issues don’t always have to be complicated. That doesn’t mean solutions are easy. But by listening carefully and clarifying our clients’ needs, we can usually make things that seem complex much more manageable. We like to help clients turn problems into opportunities.


We endeavor to utilize our collective experience to provide personalized solutions to the challenges our clients face in doing business, from corporate formation to wind down and everything in between.


We work very hard at being “active listeners” which allows us to identify and clarify all the issues. We continually strive for clarity in our communications, precision in our analysis, and to find solutions based on experience and creativity.


These are the principles on which our firm is built. We seek to deliver the best quality legal services possible — on par with very large law firms – but with highly personalized attention.